PHOTO CREDIT: David Yarrow Photography
We WERE victims. WE ARE overcomers. We are badass fighters unwilling to accept being “silenced”. We are daughters, sisters, wives, mothers, friends, grandmothers. We went in unsuspecting and silent, we came out stunned with voices that have been silenced by our “protectors”. Our new "voice boxes" contain silent prayers, tears, anger, frustration, guilt, shame, fears...ACTION. These “boxes” won’t be intimidated into closing. This brand of ACTION has teeth. The kind that will unsuspectingly BITE you in the ass.
We are unwilling to allow this level of destruction to be wagered against any more of our “SISTERS”... We are no longer tolerant of excusing the inexcusable. You ALL had ONE job. To SERVE, PROTECT and HEAL. YOU ALL FAILED. That “DO NO HARM” part meant/means nothing to any of you. You are either perpetrators or allowed perpetration. BOTH are. equal as crimes against the innocent. BOTH equal in BETRAYAL of a community and state that PAYS and TRUSTS you.
We were assaulted by a DARKNESS, that sparked LIGHT. This LIGHT was hard and painfully earned. This LIGHT will be shed on all of the dark places. By not using our light, WE would be as guilty as you are. We have been forced to shoulder many things, GUILT and SHAME deemed the weightiest. We release those to YOU. Steward those wisely. We work to reverse those into our greatest strengths. Maybe you can make those JUSTICE and TRUTH. That would be a novel idea.
WE ARE Our Sisters Keepers,
The Salty Elephants
-The badass sisterhood of women that were sexually assaulted by a doctor/doctors in our community and have been silenced into A LOUD, SALTY and UNSTOPPABLE STAMPEDE. This herd WILL BE HEARD.