Healing & Wholeness

Healed and whole is found in being fully present in the face of society's constant compulsion to "do more", "get more", "be more".  Until we recover the understanding of how to be in the moment, there is no way to heal. Because without presence, we lack the insight to find even what we need to be healed of.

three-fold integrated healing modalities

If you hang out with us here, you will often hear me refer the healing trinity. I am speaking of 3 distinct ways we can embrace and promote wholeness from the inside out.

  1. Nutrition and Cellular Cleansing: Catering to the way our body was created and meeting those needs.
  2. Herbs, botanicals and oils: Seriously, if it was good enough for Jesus, we should be paying attention.
  3. The modality of God given energy and Holy Yoga: Flooding our bodies, minds and spirits with the unshakeable truths of our identities through movement, focus and common community...In word, action and deed.

On the blog :: Healing & Wholeness